Columns by Dr. Ramesh Kumar Vankwani in The International News

December 25, 2020

An important day

Christmas, the birthday of Jesus Christ, is being celebrated today all over the world. Historically, Christmas is one of the most popular festivals in the world and has been celebrated with traditional zeal and enthusiasm for many centuries.

December 18, 2020

Stateless people

Every year on December 16, Pakistani citizens mourn the tragic separation of East Pakistan. Historically, the Pakistan Movement gained momentum after the 23rd March…

December 11, 2020

Protecting human rights

Every year, December 10 is marked across the globe as International Human Rights Day, commemorating the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights….

December 04, 2020

Goodbye, Kaavan

There would be no resident of the federal capital who has never ever visited the Marghazar Zoo, Islamabad….

November 27, 2020

Regional issues

The announcement by the UAE government that it had introduced the option of a golden visa was seen as a very positive step throughout Pakistan.


November 20, 2020

Golden visa

Recently, the UAE has announced that outstanding professionals and students with brilliant academic record are eligible to apply for its 10-year golden residency visa….

November 13, 2020

Review of history

The present government came into power with a purpose of bringing change in society by defeating the two traditional political parties.


November 06, 2020

All about interests

The election process in the US is always of great interest for the people of Pakistan. Different reports are being presented about….

The recent unwanted incident that happened in France has once again proved that there are a few people in every society who are more interested in spreading chaos in the name of religion….


October 23, 2020

Access to healthcare

Regular air travel is an important feature of my socio-political life. However, this week the journey from Karachi to Islamabad did not prove to be a pleasant one…

October 16, 2020

Remembering a leader

The day of 16th October reminds us of Pakistan’s first prime minister, Liaquat Ali Khan, a great personality whose selfless contributions…


October 12, 2020

Land of fire

A tweet message by Azerbaijan’s ambassador to Islamabad H E Ali Alizada is viral on social media. The tweet shows that residents of the capital, Baku…

October 02, 2020

Hub of peace

Recently, via the platform of the National Assembly Standing Committee on Defence, I had availed the opportunity to visit North Waziristan, adjacent to the Afghan border.


September 25, 2020

Caravan for justice

This year, the 75th anniversary of formation of the United Nations is being celebrated across the globe. After World War II….

September 18, 2020

Mysterious deaths

Last month, eleven members of a family, including women and children, were found mysteriously dead in the Jodhpur district of Rajasthan, India….


September 11, 2020

Remembering 9/11

Exact 19 years ago on September 11, 2001, when the entire Pakistani nation was mourning the death anniversary of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah…

September 04, 2020

City of crises

Karachi, once known as the city of lights, has been in the headlines for some time, due to reports related to target killing…


August 28, 2020

Battle for truth

It is a tragic scene from 1400 years ago when the powerful Yazidi army was encountering Hazrat Imam Hussain (a.s.) and his unarmed family at Karbala….

August 24, 2020

Inhumane acts

Black Ribbon Day is observed every year on August 23 in the European Union and other parts of the world, including Canada and the US…..


August 15, 2020

On independence

The national flag is considered the most important identity of any country and every nation is supposed to even offer sacrifice for the glory of the national flag…..

August 07, 2020

Remembering the bomb

It was the morning of August 6, 1945 when the most tragic and horrific incident in human history happened. 


Recently, a meeting of the National Assembly Standing Committee on Religious Harmony was held at the Parliament House…..

July 24, 2020

Human trafficking

When the world is gradually learning to live with Covid-19, it seems that human traffickers have also started taking advantage of the ease in travel restrictions…..


July 18, 2020

Faith in humanity

Our beloved country holds a unique honour among nearly fifty Muslim majority countries due to the fact that it came in to existence on the basis of an ideology.

July 10, 2020

PIA reforms

No doubt, Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) was once recognized as the number one airline of the world. Various regional airlines…


July 03, 2020

Such greatness

It was the Fourth of July in 1776 when thirteen North American colonies achieved independence from Great Britain by adopting the Declaration of Independence unanimously.

June 27, 2020

Victory of light

Eclipses, both solar and lunar, have been the focus of human attention since ancient times….


June 19, 2020

Online education

In the critical circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis, the decision by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) to continue the education process through the internet was a laudable step.

Fourteen hundred years ago, the second caliph of the Madina state, Hazrat Umar (ra) was starting to lead the Friday prayers….


Pakistani farmers, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, are now facing another severe crisis in the form of locust attacks….

Just two days before Eid, the tragic incident of the PIA plane crash saddened the entire country…


May 23, 2020

Hinduism urges its followers to follow the path of tolerance and harmony. A Hindu is required to follow high moral values and ensure respect to others…..

May 15, 2020

Conquest of Makkah

So many hundreds of years ago, Muslims entered the holy city of Makkah – with dignity, glory and pride – from where they were forced to migrate.


May 12, 2020

Yet another crisis

Citizens of Karachi were forced to face another serious crisis in the form of a heatwave the past few days…..

May 01, 2020

Matters of honesty

National Honesty Day is celebrated on April 30 throughout the United States. The purpose of the day is to encourage everyone to be honest in all fields of life….


April 24, 2020

Time travel

There are some people in every era and every area who have been gifted with special skills of wisdom….

April 17, 2020

Karmic cycle

It is entirely unbelievable that delegates belonging to Western countries are, due to fear of the Covid-19 outbreak….


April 10, 2020

Mission possible

The horrific spread of the deadly coronavirus, also known as Covid-19, is still out of control. On a daily basis…

April 03, 2020

Time changes

The nine-day fasting festival of Navatri concluded this week. Like every year, I tried my best to utilize the time engaging in fasting worship….


March 27, 2020

A higher value

While spending time with my family in self-isolation, I recently read a book in which a story of ancient Africa is narrated in a very interesting way….

March 20, 2020

A reminder

The New York Times has recently published an article titled, ‘God vs Coronavirus’. In his writing, Mattia Ferraresi, who is an Italian journalist, emphasized that…


The US, in response to the 9-11 tragedy, had waged the ‘war on terror’ to evict the Taliban regime from Afghanistan….

March 06, 2020

Delhi riots

I would like to dedicate this piece of writing to Shri Prem Kant and all good human beings who are sacrificing their own lives in order to safeguard their helpless Muslim neighbours in India…..


February 28, 2020

From surprise to victory

February 27, 2019 holds a special importance in our national history due to the remarkable role of the Pakistan Air Force for safeguarding our skies….

February 21, 2020

Positive visits

“Thank you to the people of Pakistan for a wonderful visit!” This is what tweeted by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres while concluding his historic four-day visit to Pakistan. In his message, he also lauded the rich cultural heritages of Pakistan…..


February 14, 2020

One nation

The ongoing visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, accompanied by a delegation of Turkish businessmen, is very significant in the context of the regional and global scenario.

February 07, 2020

Devil virus

If we take a look at international news, reports about the coronavirus in China have been in the headlines for the past one month…..


January 31, 2020

Season for nonviolence

Powerful emperors who used to rule this beautiful earth through the sword have, despite all their achievements, been forgotten now….

January 24, 2020

Legend of Qaboos

In my writings, I always try to pay tribute to all such great personalities that make a mark in human history…..


January 17, 2020

From dream to reality

Recently, I read an article appeared on the website of UK’s most renowned journal, ‘The Independent’, with the tagline…

January 10, 2020

Brink of war

Historically, the Middle East region has witnessed unrest, turmoil and instability for a long time…..


January 03, 2020

Minorities under attack?

“The government of Pakistan failed to adequately protect minorities groups, including Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Ahmadis, and Shia Muslims…