• To endeavor for the promotion and propagation of Hindu culture and to unite all the Hindus at one platform and solve the problems faced by Hindu community at gross root level.
  • To organize conferences, symposia and lectures on academic, literary and cultural topics, for the promotion, welfare, safeguard and to take appropriate steps to consolidate and strengthen the Hindu community and inculcate a sense of oneness among Hindu Society.
  • To establish libraries and reading rooms and also to plan establish, develop and establish educational institutions i.e. schools, colleges, computer labs, yoga centers, art galleries, Hindu cultural centers Pathshalas, and Dharamshallas etc.
  • To establish centers for building noble character in the young generation for promotion of Hindu culture and ideology.
  • To establish charitable hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, Blood Banks, Health Centers, Laboratories, etc and also to establish centers for the physical, mental, literary and moral development and to arrange training programs.
  • To promote close contacts for identity of views, friendly relations and sense of unity and fraternity among the fellow members specifically and Hindus Community in general.
  • To adopt ways and means for the promotion of education and economic prosperity in Hindu Community and to establish manage and support educational institutions for the promotion of modern education such as computers, IT and Vedic studies, all Hindu scriptures and oriental sciences etc.
  •  To assist and co-operate with other Associations, Panchayats and Organizations, having similar charter, in the pursuit of the foregoing aims and objects.
  •  To undertake and to perform all such other lawful activities as may be instrumental and conducive for the attainment of any of the foregoing aims.
  •  To inculcate, foster and stimulate the spirit of mutual self-help on principal of co-operation and coordination among the fellow members.
  •  To extend immediate help in case of any specific problem confronting any faction of the community beyond their local reach.
  •  To extend help for the promotion of cause of Education from primary level to university level specially among poor factions of community through out Pakistan, by way of awarding scholarships and providing books, uniforms etc.
  •  To protect the existing institutions, schools, cremation grounds, graveyards, Hindu Trust Properties, Pathshalas, gymkhana & other Hindu places.
  •  To celebrate and assist the Hindu community for celebration of welfare festivals for developing sense of unity.
  •  To help and work for the promotion of such schemes of charity for the welfare and social uplift of the community, particularly in poor faction of the society.
  •  To obtain and accept subscriptions, donations, grants and gifts, and any other help from individuals, firms, Govt. and semi Govt. organizations, NGO’s, and other institutions, local Government etc..
  •  The Council shall be run on non-political, non-religious and non-commercial basis.
  •  The promoter/office bearer and members shall not be paid employees of the Association, in any form whatsoever.
  •  To ensure, receive, accept and manage funds, donations, grant endowments and any other movable and immovable properties from lawful sources within a country and to utilize them for enhancing and promoting the aims and objects enunciated herein.
  •  The Council shall confine its activities only to the aims and objects of the Council and the income and property of the Council from whatever sources derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Council and no portion thereof shall be paid by way of dividend / Profit and bonus to any member / office bearers or otherwise. Violation of this condition will be personal responsibility of the office bearers or members concerned.
  • To help and encourage the institutions working for Hindu matrimonial system for arranging group marriages and also to arrange such group marriages of poor faction of Hindu Community