The Pakistani nation has recently celebrated the 142th birthday of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah with great enthusiasm……

December 22, 2017

Curbing terrorism

The attack on a church located inside the high security zone of Quetta has resulted in mourning and condemnation….

December 08, 2017

Right to information

Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the UN General Assembly, states that everyone has the right to freedom of movement….

November 24, 2017

The right to protest

Faizabad Interchange, the main gateway that connects the twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad, has currently been blocked as hundreds of protesters have been holding a dharna there. The sit-in has continued for over 17 days and major road links are still blocked.

November 17, 2017

Beyond crisis mode

There is much being said in the media about PIA as it is suffering from a severe crisis. The number of international destinations that PIA travels to is decreasing by the day. The most recent plan is to suspend flight operations to New York….

November 10, 2017

Iqbal’s dream

I recently read an interview of the late Dina Wadia in which she paid tribute to her beloved father by saying that there would have been no Pakistan without  Jinnah….

October 07, 2022

A strong dollar

The rapidly increasing value of the US dollar has had a negative impact on our national economy…..

September 30, 2022

Preemptive action

It is Pakistan’s fault that it has never prioritized climate change and environmental issues since its creation 75 years ago

November 03, 2017

A downward spiral

An eye-opening report issued by Transparency International (TI), recently brought to my notice, listed Pakistan among the top five most corrupt countries in the Asia-Pacific Region…..

October 27, 2017

A success story

After landing at Frankfurt Airport, I observed that the aeroplanes of various national and private airlines were carrying out routine flight operations….

October 20, 2017

Open doors

DG ISPR Major General Asif Ghafoor Bajwa has recently given a very positive statement that people from all schools of thought are welcome to join the Pakistan Army and that when a soldier wears military uniform then his ultimate goal of life is to defend his homeland…..

October 13, 2017

Disaster reduction

Every year on October 13, the world observes the International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction. Pakistan has recently observed the 12th anniversary of the devastating October 8 earthquake and has raised awareness about adopting precautionary measures to minimise losses during such emergencies….

October 06, 2017

Forgotten hero

The Pakistan Movement, led by Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, was no doubt a most peaceful and democratic struggle which resulted in the partition of the Subcontinent and the establishment of a Muslim-majority separate country…..

September 29, 2017

Lessons of sacrifice

The martyrdom of Imam Hussain and his followers is considered to be the greatest sacrifice in the history of mankind. There is a consensus that the incident was a war on principles and can never be forgotten…

September 22, 2017

Together for peace

At a time when the international community is in panic mode due to North Korea’s recent missile tests, I am attending an international peace summit held at Seoul…..

September 15, 2017

When democracy returned

The International Day of Democracy is being marked today throughout the globe. I have expressed on a number of occasions that the Pakistan Movement was a purely peaceful struggle and Quaid-e-Azam wanted to transform the newly-independent state into a model democratic country….

September 08, 2017

A plea for humanity

Myanmar is being condemned by the international community owing to its ongoing atrocities against the Rohingya….

September 01, 2017

Trump’s statement

The entire Pakistani nation is deeply hurt by the US President Donald Trump’s recent speech in which he accused Pakistan of harbouring terrorist safe havens. Voices from different segments of Pakistani society are being raised to record their protest….

Dr Ruth Pfau was, no doubt, a legendary figure who through her lifelong struggle and determination helped to completely eliminate leprosy from our beloved country. A German-born nun and doctor, Pfau arrived in Pakistan in 1960 and passed away over five decades later. …..

August 18, 2017

The wonders of Thar

The mere mention of Thar automatically evokes the image of an under-developed, backward, remote and deserted place where newborn children are dying due to famine, hunger and the lack of food. While this is true to some extent…

August 11, 2017

Strength in harmony

National Minorities Day is being observed across the country today to safeguard the fundamental rights of minority groups and acknowledge their contribution towards national development…..

The people of Punjab are fortunate to have a competent chief minister in Shahbaz Sharif. Both Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif have carried out a long political struggle to strengthen democracy in the country.

July 28, 2017

Mandela’s fight

When I arrived in South Africa to conclude my tour of Africa, people were celebrating Nelson Mandela International Day to mark the birthday of their beloved revolutionary leader……

July 21, 2017

Diversity in action

I am writing this article during my visit to Mauritius. Laden with amazing beaches, wild waterfalls, wonderful lakes, lush forests, unique wildlife and rocky mountains, Mauritius is, no doubt, one of the most popular destination for tourists from all over the world…

The Ismaili community across the world is celebrating the diamond jubilee of their beloved spiritual leader Prince Karim Aga Khan IV with zeal. In 1957, 20-year-old Prince Karim Aga Khan succeeded his late grandfather as the leader of the Ismaili community, which now has 15 million followers globally….

Ex-CIA contractor Raymond Davis’s book has caused uproar across the country. In order to understand this issue, we must have examine the diplomatic history of Pakistan and the US….

July 01, 2017

The political curse

The situation in Sindh has worsened over time instead of moving towards prosperity. Various incidents of attacks on minorities, kidnappings, killings and social crimes have emerged from the province, which was once known as the land of peace….

The English proverb, ‘Where there’s a will, there’s a way’, rings true in the case of the Pakistan cricket team’s outstanding performance that led to the country winning the ICC Champions trophy at the Oval.

Millions of Muslims belonging to all parts of the world, including Pakistan, are these days observing the month of Ramazan. Fasting is known as sawm in Arabic, vrata in Sanskrit and roza in Urdu……

The UK held its general elections yesterday. In light of the London terror attacks, the UK’s withdrawal from the EU and the proposed Scottish independence referendum, it seems that the erstwhile imperialist power is once again entering an important and historical phase…

The arrival of the internet is, no doubt, the most defining moment in our history. Social media tools, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and WhatsApp, have become powerful instruments to play a prominent role in fuelling social change – both negative and positive……

May 27, 2017

Encouraging signs

The newly-elected US President, Donald Trump, during his election campaign had issued a number of controversial statements about Muslims….

My previous article, ‘Tolerant Pakistan’ was very well-received. All the peace-loving segments of society supported my viewpoint that prosperity cannot be achieved without ensuring a tolerant society based on equal rights and social justice. I…..

nternational Nurses Day is observed on May 12 across the globe to acknowledge the role that nurses play in the healthcare system. 

May 06, 2017

Tolerant Pakistan

There is a direct link between peace and prosperity of any society. This is why all human societies – from ancient Greek empires to today’s modern democratic countries – focus on building a peaceful environment based on the golden principles of tolerance, harmony and social justice……

April 28, 2017

Towards stability

Even though sixteen years have passed since 9/11, the war on terror continues to pose a problem for the world….

Quaid-e-Azam had vowed to make Pakistan a welfare state where every citizen would have the freedom to play his or her role in the national development. Even though the country is now 70 years old…..

In September 2000, the UN adopted the Millennium Declaration at the historical Millennium Summit….

April 07, 2017

Honouring Chanakya

Aristotle defined political science as the study of the state. Many other philosophers including Plato, Confucius and Machiavelli also presented their theories on political science…..

March 31, 2017

About the census

Every country needs up-to-date information about its residents for planning, national development and improvement of the quality of life….

March 24, 2017

Minority perspective

March 23, 1940, is undoubtedly, a historical day and is considered an important milestone in the Muslim struggle to achieve an independent state. On this occasion, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah….

The family is considered as basic unit of any society since ancient times and strengthening the family system is essential for ensuring a peaceful society….

March 17, 2017

Mass weddings

The role of the family in our society is significant for various reasons. In a typical family setup, elders take the responsibility to arrange the marriages of the younger generation…..

March 11, 2017

Interfaith harmony

The sale and purchase of alcohol is permitted in Pakistan to non-Muslims. Article 37(h) of the constitution prevents the consumption of alcohol other than for medicinal and, in the case of non-Muslims, religious purposes….

The 13th meeting of the Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO) in Islamabad marks a great achievement for Pakistan……

February 28, 2017

Empowering non-Muslims

The Pakistan Movement was a purely democratic and peaceful struggle to protect the rights of common people….